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Red Ranger

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Status Replies posted by Red Ranger

  1. Considering todays episode, I definitely think they were still shooting scripts for Sheila.  I think this would've been her exit storyline.

    1. Red Ranger

      Red Ranger

      I'm not sure that actual scripts would have been written, but I can accept that there was a plan in place for what was going to happen in this week's episodes and they had to change it to remove Sheila. As you say, neither of us really know what Plan A was, so your idea's as good as any.

      I'm aware of three theories as to what happened with Sheila's departure:
      1. The show was planning to axe the character and Colette responded by walking out and refusing to film a departure scene.
      2. Colette was abruptly sacked for whatever reason.
      3. The version Colette's given: She was aware that the show was ending and Kyle and Roxy were leaving and that Sheila wasn't going to have any real storylines in the last 6 months so decided to leave straightaway rather than just be part of the scenery. (Which I am extremely sceptical about.)

      If 1 is true, then you're quite right, they would have had an exit planned for Sheila. If 2 or 3 is true, then they weren't expecting her to leave so they wouldn't have an exit planned. People have been saying in the episode threads that these episodes were filmed around the time the news broke, so there's probably not anything in them that was actually planned because the show was ending but it might end up fitting in well.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  2. Considering todays episode, I definitely think they were still shooting scripts for Sheila.  I think this would've been her exit storyline.

    1. Red Ranger

      Red Ranger

      Okay, er, I'm not even sure what you mean by that. I'm not even sure there ever was an exit storyline for Sheila, it depends which rumour you listen to. Do you mean it was meant to be Sheila rather than Karl giving money to Montana? If so, a)how would Sheila have that much money and b)why would that lead to her leaving? Even if Sheila was originally storylined to still be appearing at this point (which does seem likely), I doubt the scripts had actually been written.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

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