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Status Replies posted by CodyWillisFan92

  1. Would love to see memorable uploads such as the 2004 Lassiters Fire. Sure it's not HD but I would love to see Neighbours upload it to youtube.

    1. CodyWillisFan92


      maybe they'll stop being so anal about rights one day so we'll both get the eras we want :) 

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  2. Would love to see memorable uploads such as the 2004 Lassiters Fire. Sure it's not HD but I would love to see Neighbours upload it to youtube.

    1. CodyWillisFan92


      I'd stopped watching by 2007 anyway so I'm not fussed but I feel for fans of that era :)

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  3. Would love to see memorable uploads such as the 2004 Lassiters Fire. Sure it's not HD but I would love to see Neighbours upload it to youtube.

    1. CodyWillisFan92


      there was a statement a while back saying that they wouldn't be uploading any more episodes, that's why 2009 was never uploaded :) 

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  4. I'm waiting for the day they bring back Josh Anderson and Melissa Jarrett

    1. CodyWillisFan92


      you'll be waiting a while :(

  5. I wish we got to see Mrs Mangel and Dorothy in screen together.

  6. hey mate! would you like to add me on Facebook? glad to see I'm not the only one into the old school era of Neighbours!

  7. hey mate! would you like to add me on Facebook? glad to see I'm not the only one into the old school era of Neighbours!

  8. hey mate! would you like to add me on Facebook? glad to see I'm not the only one into the old school era of Neighbours!

  9. In just over a week and a half, converted the first 85 episodes of the 1998 season of Neighbours to DVD

    1. CodyWillisFan92


      how many full years have you got mate?

  10. goodbye Nfans for a week!

    1. CodyWillisFan92


      bye Sophie *waves*


  11. is moving house tomorrow, so will be offline for a few days. See you on the other side!!

    1. CodyWillisFan92


      good luck and enjoy the new place in all it's glory!

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  12. After watching 1985 of Neighbours I have to say I really like oringal Soctt but Jason Scott will always be Scott to me!

    1. CodyWillisFan92


      funny how no one remembers Darius Scott...


  13. has published his first ebook, "Ian's Gang", on Kindle Amazon!

  14. has published his first ebook, "Ian's Gang", on Kindle Amazon!

    1. CodyWillisFan92


      cool! take a look at my Neighbours fic featuring C

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  15. has published his first ebook, "Ian's Gang", on Kindle Amazon!

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