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Status Updates posted by Elin

  1. Hi! My mobile's been out of credit for days. :( Are you remembering those London eps for us this week... :D

  2. Are you going to one of the concerts in Sept? I'll be going to the Adelaide concert taking along my friend who's a newly converted Toriphile so that should be great fun!

  3. Is that your dog in your pic?

  4. Hey chick! *LOVE* the avatar! :p

  5. Bee dogs!!! LMAO It's a crazy as that stuffonmycat.com site!

  6. Love your new av!! :p

  7. You should try and find a way to incorporate Plyn into your uni work. There's got to be something you could do! :p

  8. Well, I quite like that av myself (it's kinda naughty which is why I made it in the first place :p) so am happy for you to use it as much as you want! *bad* PMSL @ your location!

  9. Well, N in Darwin is almost as far behind as the UK for some reason!! Don't ask me why, but it's prob cos the Ch10 here are sharing broadcasting with Ch7 so they go in half and half and they don't air N at all some weeks! :o

  10. I could always keep a look out in the mags, but he prob won't show up until months from now. :/

  11. Hiya! Haven't seen you around in ages, chick! You need to get back on LJ and friend my new one too since I'm not using my old one anymore now that I've moved. *kram*

  12. *pops head in*

    I see you're still squeeing then! How surprising! :p

    *continues countdown till April*

  13. What are you doing on here but not being on MSN? How rude :p

  14. Oh, I think there will be MVs made either way! ;) I'm glad I saved all that Susom stuff back in the days too including all the fics and stuff since it all got lost when we moved to the new board. :(

  15. Happy birthday, chick! Have a fab day!

  16. *throws you a spider to gauge the reaction*


  17. Are you counting down the hours to tomorrow's episode yet? :p Do you still want texts so you can get an idea of what happened if you check your mobile during your break at work or do you want to save it for lunch time and read yourself?

  18. Mature is the last word I'd call you but... :p

    *whistles innocently*

  19. G'day! It makes me feel so much better to know I'm in the warm and cosy tropics when I see that profile pic of you cos it looks so cold! :p

  20. Whatcha doin' in Melb? :) You never told me you were going there!

  21. My comp is lifeless. :( *is still devastated*

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