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Tracy C

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Status Updates posted by Tracy C

  1. Can you empty you inbox so I can message you.

  2. We’re from Tigerland this year!

  3. Nothing like a good thunderstorm! 🌩️

    1. Barney




      Envy!!!! I've just finished the ironing and have lost about  a glassful of fluid ...  It's still 30 degrees outside, and is 28 deg indoors - the highest it's been so far indoors.


      I need an OJ ice lolly from the freezer....

    2. Tracy C

      Tracy C

      We had thunderstorms for most of the evening last night.  Has cleared the air though as its definitely less muggy.  While everyone else has as significant drop in temp today, we're not much down it would appear.

    3. The Original Scott

      The Original Scott

      We seem to of dodged the thunderstorms here in Durham! Only one short shower yesterday but in nearby Sunderland they were flooded heavily.

  4. Happy Gothenburg Day :D 

    1. Atli


      What's that Tracy?

    2. Tracy C

      Tracy C

      11th May is when Aberdeen beat the mighty Real Madrid in the European Cup Winners Cup final in 1983.



  5. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 OMG at tonight’s game!

  6. Its football not soccer!  Too right! :clap:

  7. Song thread merged into official music thread in N.Chat. Answer is up too

  8. Happy Gothenburg Day :D

  9. The Sheep are on Fire! :D

  10. Sorry had to delete Helen thread. No links to full episodes on YouTube.

  11. Had to edit your signature to remove UK spoilers. Also don't change font/size please!

  12. Woohoo Andy Murray!!!!

  13. I've had the time of my lfe!

  14. Your thread is moved from ANC to spoilers

  15. Well done Geelong!

  16. AFL Grand Final time!!!!

  17. Has voted in the Scottish elections and the referendum.

  18. Is enjoying watching live AFL

  19. Woohoo free wine!!! Big glasses too!!!

    1. Robster


      Just wanted to say I've noticed you've over 100 K posts. That's an amazing acheivement! Keep up the good work! :)

  20. Happy New Year to our Aussie members. :)

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