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Posts posted by daydreambeliever

  1. 8 hours ago, Sayaka said:

    Sorry, I don't have the rights to look into it and as you know Sal isn't well. I'm sure she'll have a look when she is able :)

    No worries, I can wait. I always head here almost as soon as my computer is on most days. Just thought I should mention it :)

  2. 6 hours ago, Tracy C said:

    I'll start that from tomorrow when I bring the new thread into that Aussie area.

    That would be good. Is there any way the dates could be changed/added so we can look for the Aussie date? I understand if that's difficult, just wondering, but pinning would work too.

  3. 5 minutes ago, Benji said:

    Believe me when I say this: I get it. Even though the UK was behind for the best part of 30+ years, I never got used to the day it aired here vs. the day the episode was labelled. It doesn’t help when threads move about and you can’t track date order. 🙃😵💫😂

    I'm glad I'm not the only one. I was trying to go by date order ;) but got confused a second time. Still, I have read now and thanks again!

  4. 13 hours ago, Hawker said:

    Don't worry; I won't be taking anything away - just merging areas, so you're still more than welcome to wax lyrical about Days.  :) 

    Thank you! I really like the redesign after having a day to get used to it - I never put out opinions first viewing as it's always "ooh, not sure I like change" then. But yes, I think it's clearer in some ways.

    • Like 1
  5. 10 hours ago, Skylover said:

    I love the silent editing feature. I edit most of my posts because there's usually something I want to add or correct as soon as I've posted.

    I know that feeling all too well, also.

    • Like 2
  6. 15 hours ago, Hawker said:

    I've made an edit to your account - please could you look over the setting now and see if you can see the option?  @daydreambeliever

    Never mind all the previous palaver that I just deleted - thank you

    @Hawker, while I couldn't make the change on the account itself, I just opened up my email and had notifications, I appreciate it!

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  7. It doesn't give me an option to, the only option is to stop them. It says... Notifications that we send as an email go to (my email) but... I haven't had one in a long time, like over a year long. This applies to forum posts only, I have had PM notifications but my last post email was actually in September last year.

  8. 8 hours ago, Hawker said:

    Notifications are often a perilous area with upgrades, especially as settings are swapped around and deprecated; I chose what I felt were the safest options, but it's never as simple as one size fits all.  I'm sorry this has affected your account.

    The good news is that it's trivial to make the change within your account.  Go to:  https://www.neighboursfans.com/forum/notifications/options/

    In that screen, you can turn off various notification types individually - or, at the bottom right, there's a link to 'Stop all email notifications'.

    Is there a way to turn email notifications on? I used to have it and don't any more.

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